My mom had to deal with a very painful and debilitating disease called hidradenitis suppurativa for over 35 years. She had tried all potential treatment options and unfortunately found very limited success in managing this horrible disease. She very courageously dealt with this condition for all those years, but the disease seemed to only get worse with time negatively affecting her quality of life.
In the fall of 2023, she made the decision to apply for MAID and was approved by one physician. My mom signed the papers with the doctor mid December 2023, was approved by a second physician and chose March 15th to receive MAID. Because she did not have a terminal illness, she had to wait a minimum of 90 days before receiving MAID. The waiting time was very difficult but it really helped my mother, my sister and I process the whole situation and it helped make sure this was truly what my mother felt was right for her. Over this 90-day period, we made a bucket list and participated in activities my mom wanted to share with us before leaving.
On March 15th 2024, we went to the hospital where she peacefully went to sleep in a room my sister and I had beautifully decorated. She was able to leave this earth pain free, peacefully, quickly and surrounded by all the love and support.
It was the most surreal, emotional and difficult moment of my life! I know my mom was the strongest and most courageous person I have known. My family and I did our best to explain the situation to my young son and answer his questions. I did seek help from a psychologist to help process all the emotions, which was very helpful.
I live in Gatineau, Quebec and I work as a registered dietitian in a hospital. I’m lucky to have great support from my family and friends! I’m happy to be part of the amazing MFSS team to help and support other people going through a similar situation.