MAID Family Support
Where did it all begin?

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)


When did this all come about? Who is eligible?

Learn about the history of how MAID came about and who is eligible for a medically assisted death.

Let’s Hear From Sue Rodriguez

Notice what thoughts come up for you as you watch this. If you are already familiar with her situation, please watch again as we need to be reminded of those that have gone before and paved the way for the future.

Do you realize that only 9 other countries in the world have legalized physician-assisted dying?

More than 225,000 Canadians offer opinions as new poll suggests increased support for medical aid in dying

Surveys For change

I completed the Canada-wide survey earlier this year regarding my experience of MAID. I was glad to have the opportunity to express my thoughts about the changes that desperately needed to be made.

This ruling changed EVERYTHING

The story of Carter vs. Canada takes us behind the scenes of the case, introducing us to the legal team and families who made history.

“Accepting my death really allowed me to live my life on my own terms.”

–Audrey Parker

Family & Conflict

Conflicts amongst family members can rise throughout the MAID journey.

Dying On Your Own Terms

Dr. Stefanie Green shares her experience supporting people who choose MAID. (Note that in this video Dr. Green notes that a requirement for MAID is that death is reasonably foreseeable. This has since changed. For more information please see the Government of Canada website.)

May 2020

The video below shares changes to medical assistance in dying legislation. Pertinent information at 11:04.