Our community is here for you

We strive to provide compassionate, lived-experience support and connection to people helping a loved one who is considering or planning for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) or those who are grieving a loss due to MAID.

Help us support loved ones affected by medical assistance in dying (MAID)

Now available: The Many Faces of MAID: What to Expect When Someone You Know Chooses Medical Assistance in Dying

The Many Faces of MAID is a compilation of stories from 17 people who have direct experience of their loved one choosing a medically assisted death. These stories facilitate real, emotional connections to the raw and uncensored experiences of the storytellers, and encompass a wide range of emotions, from easy to difficult and from expected to unexpected. The perspectives the storytellers offer are not complete accounts of their experiences. Rather, they are small glimpses into some of the intimate moments and emotions they’ve felt moved to share with others.

If you’ve read the book, we would appreciate your feedback on this short survey.

Donate a book: If you wish to donate a book to someone who has a loved one going through MAID, please click the donate a book button and under fund choose Faces of MAID – donate a book. The cost of a single book is $20.00.

Books for hospices: Thanks to a knowledge transfer grant from the Canadian Association of Medical Assessors and Providers (CAMAP), we are excited to be able to give away 100 copies of The Many Faces of MAID to Canadian hospices. To request one, please fill out this form.

Digital stories

Digital stories are one way of sharing our experiences and honouring those we’ve lost.

Check out Trish’s story about how she went from supporting someone through MAID in her role as a chaplain to going through it herself when her husband chose MAID.

Check out our YouTube channel to see more digital stories.

What our community has to say

Our MAID stories

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